13. August – 17. August 2011
ur actual plan for the day was to go
to Slovakia but thanks to the navigation system we ended up at
Paula's campground in Austria. On the way out of Budapest we weren't
really decided where to go and so we followed the navigation system
to the closest campground with pool. And that was in Austria.
The campground was quite nice and the
owner Helmut very friendly. We relaxed, tried balancing on the
slack-line and had some drinks and an entertaining evening with some
guys from Bavaria. On the second day we did a little side trip to
Bratislava, Slovakia's capital city.
But since the night before was
rather long we all didn't really feel like sightseeing. There are a
lot of places in Bratislava that remind you of it's communist past
with ugly buildings and streets. But there is also a very pretty
historical center. We had delicious lunch there, wrote some postcards
and walk around before driving back to Austria. On the way back we
stopped at an outlet center = three happy girls shopping. Anyways, we
only had one hour before the stores closed and didn't buy much. Later
that day, we enjoyed the sun at the Neusiedler See and
at night went
to a local Volksfest, but couldn't stand it longer than an hour (bad
music, drunk old people, ...)
The next morning we drove to Vienna.
Beautiful city. Very clean, friendly people and beautiful old
buildings and palaces. We enjoyed the city, walked around all day –
sightseeing and relaxing.
After a day in Wien it was time to say
good bye to Christiane and Karina. While I could stay a few more days
relaxing and enjoying Vienna, Christiane and Karina had to go back to
Munich to work.
Great pictures. Nice report. Seems that you girls had a good time. Seeing the pics of your sister on fb I should go to Munich and make some road trips with her...
@Micha: We definitely had a good time. Call me sister for a road trip...