Friday, September 10, 2010

The Big Trip

In this blog I will document my travels through South America, Africa and - if money and time allows - Asia. I am an engineer so don't expect great writing. I will do my best to write as often as possible about my travels and experiences. And hopefully I will be able to take and upload some good pictures.  Since I don't have a "round-the-world" airline ticket, I'm fairly flexible. Of course I have a plan and know where I want to go and how long I want to stay there. But that plan is quite rough and can and will  change. So far the plan is to stay in Quit for two weeks and learn Spanish. I will have one-on-one classes four hours a day, five days a week. Hopefully after those two weeks I'll be able to get my way around and understand what people are trying to tell me. I will than travel in Ecuador until the beginning of October when I will meet my friend and travel companion Michael. The countries on the travel list for South America so far are Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina and Brazil.  So, if you have been to any of these countries and have some tips of where to go, what to do or where to stay or any other advises - please let me know. I also will be very happy about any comments you leave on this blog so that I know that someone is reading it.


  1. How cool! Travelling and blogging! Great! I wish you all the best for the first four weeks and hope, that you'll be fluently in Spanish once I arrive in South America. Expectation to the travel agency Brother are very high, so I will only accept a guide with native speaking skills ;-)
    Big hugs, your soon to be travel companion M

  2. Hallo Claudia, mit viel Interesse habe ich das Blog gelesen. Mit den heutigen Kommunikatiosmitteln ist das ja eine tolle Sache. Ich wünsche Ihnen alles Gute und viele tolle Erlebnisse und vor allem nur Angenehmes.
    Liebe Grüße
    Marianne (Bach)
